This is the day the lord has made sign

The Day the Lord Has Made

The Bible says, The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy (Psalm 126:3). We should be filled with joy every day because of what God did in sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.


Do you want to know how it is that you can rejoice every day? God’s grace provides enough opportunity for rejoicing. The point of life is not to avoid bad times but to learn how to live well in them, while looking ahead toward what is good. We should celebrate our blessings from God, no matter where we are in life or what stage of life we’re in. God will bless us with much to be grateful for as long as we look for ways to give thanks.


When we have hope, it means that we trust God will take care of us and make good things happen. We should always hope for good things to happen. Hope is good. It helps us work hard. We work hard because when we have hope, we can do many more things than if we have no hope. When you have hope, you know what you’re working towards and that helps you persevere through difficult times and discouragement.


I can praise God in all things. And I will! All things! I can be thankful for what he did for me through Jesus Christ. This means that I am glad, no matter what is happening in my life and what people are doing to me. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) It also means that if I suffer, my joy in Jesus Christ cannot be taken away by any bad thing that anyone might do to me or say about me.


Although it can be easy to get caught up in our daily routines, we need to focus on what is most important. We should find time to worship God every day. This may mean getting up early before work and spending some time in scripture reading and prayer. We need to remember that we are called as Christians first and foremost to worship Jesus Christ. When we spend all of our time working and forgetting about our families, it becomes very difficult for us to appreciate God’s creation around us.


We should worship God each and every day. Worship is not just Sunday morning at a church, but it is praising God throughout your day. Worship can be by singing to Him, talking to Him, or just thinking about how great He is. Worshiping God helps us remember all of His acts on our behalf and know that we need Him in every situation. Without Him, we would be lost.


As a friend of mine said recently, Thanksgiving is not just a national holiday. It’s a moment in time that we are free to celebrate whenever we choose. God doesn’t want us to take one day out of 365 and consider it special. He wants us to recognize that each and every moment is special – if only we look for His hand at work around us.


According to research, gratitude is an emotion that correlates to better health, improved sleep patterns, and greater productivity. It’s also a characteristic of people who are higher in subjective well-being—in other words, they experience more happiness in their daily lives. And there’s a good reason for that: researchers have found that those who express thankfulness feel good about themselves and those around them.

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